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Tom Brady's Supplement Stack (Updated 2023)

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: September 25, 2023
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Tom Brady’s discipline and fitness commitment to the NFL and his body isn't just seen on the field and in his choice of dietary supplements. Central to his regimen, these supplements underpin his performance and recovery.

My team and I tried these products for two months and discovered a new way of quality and wellness.

From focus-boosting nootropics to a plant-based diet, each supplement is designed to integrate seamlessly with an active lifestyle and balanced diet.

Our investigation demonstrated that these components align with Brady's holistic approach to health, bolstering his on-field performance.

I’m sharing my findings, so whether you're an athlete or just looking to optimize your health, you can benefit from Tom Brady’s regime.

Quick Summary

  • Tom Brady's TB12 supplements include multivitamins, focus, omega, electrolytes, probiotics, vitamin D, and plant-based protein to prioritize cognitive functions, hydration, and gut health.
  • The TB12 workout routine focuses on full-body exercises using resistance bands and body weight for performance and wellness.
  • His diet emphasizes plant-based, organic foods and lean proteins, avoiding inflammation-causing ingredients.

Tom Brady's Supplement List

Tom Brady looking at supplements

Tom Brady's regime includes 7 supplements meticulously chosen to promote peak performance, aiding in everything from cognitive function to muscle recovery.

TB12 Multivitamin

TB12 Multivitamin is a vital part of Tom Brady's diet and is designed to complement a balanced lifestyle, addressing nutritional gaps and supporting overall health.

This blend fights cellular damage caused by oxidative stress.

This supplement impacts:

  • Immune function
  • Brain health
  • Energy levels
  • Hormonal balance

TB12 Focus

TB12 Focus is a brain health supplement that enhances cognitive function and focus. It uses a combination of acetyl-l-carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid, and biotin, positively impacting mental clarity and awareness.

The supplement keeps your mind sharp and focused, essential for someone like Tom Brady.

It also keeps your mitochondria safe to boost your energy levels.

TB12 Omega

Close up shot of pills with Omega

TB12 Omega is an ultra-pure quality omega-3 fish oil supplement necessary for overall health and function.

The supplement facilitates efficient absorption, ensuring your body receives essential fatty acids.

The high EPA and DHA levels maintain your heart, brain, and joint health, aligning with the comprehensive philosophy of the TB method.

TB12 Electrolyte Supplement

This popular electrolyte supplement is an essential hydration booster within the TB12 Method.

It's formulated for athletes and fitness enthusiasts and ensures rapid hydration, critical to maintaining energy levels and peak performance in conjunction with a healthy diet.

Its formula is free from extra sugars and calories, focusing solely on replenishing vital minerals and maintaining balanced electrolyte levels.

TB12 Probiotic

Close up shot of probiotic pills

This highly rated probiotic supplement promotes optimal gut health and nutrient absorption.

This complement combines pre and probiotic strains to improve digestion and balance the gut flora, promoting a healthier gut environment.

Regular intake fosters healthier digestion to provide a healthy lifestyle and achieve fitness goals.

TB12 Vitamin D

Quality vitamin D is integral to Tom Brady's regime. It's designed to maintain overall health benefits and well-being, mainly when living in cities where sunlight doesn't reach you properly.

This vitamin contributes to muscle, bone health, and strength, critical in physical performance and mobility.

After intense workout sessions or games, vitamin D speeds up recovery, reducing downtime and improving performance.

Regular intake keeps a healthy immune system, critical for staying fit, active, and ready for any field or life challenges.

TB12 Plant-Based Protein

Close up shot of plant based proteins

A plant-based protein is critical for muscle development and workout performance.

This protein supplement comes from peas and promotes lean muscle growth. It offers all essential amino acids, vital for various bodily functions and necessary for those living an active lifestyle.

Each serving contains only 1g net carb, which is a great choice when looking for a low-carb diet or managing your carbohydrate intake effectively.

It provides a substantial protein boost necessary for muscle building and recovery with just 24g per serving.

It's perfect as a post-workout meal or snack.

Tom Brady Stats

Tom Brady running in the field
  • Age: 46 years old
  • Height: 6' 4"
  • Weight: 225 lbs
  • Waist: 37"
  • Chest: 46"

Tom Brady is an American former NFL quarterback who played for 23 years. He is widely considered one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time.

He and his trainer Alex Guerrero crafted a holistic wellness approach that includes vitamins A, C, D, E, B12, K, and B-complex vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and niacin), as well as omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, and probiotics.

It's a dietary strategy emphasizing quality animal protein and plant-based alternatives.

The wellness blueprint that Brady and Guerrero devised, intrinsically tied to daily routines and dietary choices, is an inspiring model.

It exemplifies the benefits achievable through consistent effort, influencing individuals globally to pursue peak performance and improved well-being.

His HIIT Workout Routine

A person doing Tom Brady's HIIT workout routine

Tom Brady's workout adheres to the TB12 Method. It's designed for sports performance enhancement, ditches heavy weights, and prioritizes functional mobility and flexibility.

This approach is tailored to each athlete's needs and designed to help body recovery and keep flexibility.

"We believe that the body is designed to heal itself and that the best way to prevent injuries is to give the body the tools it needs to do its job."

- Alex Guerrero, Fitness Trainer & Coach


It helps to prime the body, increases flexibility, and promotes joint health [1].

  • Dynamic stretches
  • Plyometric exercises
  • Light cardio

“Static muscle stretching can acutely reduce muscle force/power production whilst dynamic stretching may increase it.”

- Anthony J Blazevich, PhD & Professor

Main Workout Routine:

The TB12 workout consists of multiple exercises separated into three sections: upper, lower, and full-body workouts. It strictly follows Tom Brady's rules for improving sports performance:

Upper Body Workouts:

  • Band-resisted rows
  • Band-resisted chest presses
  • Band-resisted shoulder presses
  • Band-resisted pull-ups
  • Bodyweight rows
  • Bodyweight push-ups
  • Bodyweight pull-ups

Lower Body Workouts:

  • Band-resisted squats
  • Band-resisted lunges
  • Bodyweight squats [2]
  • Bodyweight lunges

Full Body Workouts:

  1. Band-resisted dips
  2. Bodyweight dips

The routine ends with two exercises:

  1. Static stretches
  2. Foam rolling

His Diet Plan [TB12 Method]

A person doing a diet plan at the kitchen

The Tom Brady diet encourages the elimination of processed meats, underscoring his commitment to a balanced, health-oriented lifestyle.

His diet is 80% vegetables, alkaline foods and whole grains like:

  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Millet
  • Beans

The other 20% is lean meat (similar to a Mediterranean diet), such as:

  • Organic steak
  • Duck
  • Chicken
  • Wild salmon

He avoids:

  • White sugar
  • White flour
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Coffee
  • Fungus
  • Dairy
  • Tomato
  • Pepper
  • Eggplant

Here's what Tom Brady's diet plan looks like:

  1. Breakfast: Fruit protein shakes featuring the TB12 plant-based protein powder mixed with fresh bananas or blueberries and a spoonful of chia seeds for an added fiber and omega-3 boost.
  2. Post-workout meal: Organic chicken salad with a mix of dark leafy greens.
  3. Lunch: A quinoa dish featuring fresh vegetables and chickpeas. This provides plant-based proteins and complex carbohydrates to keep energy levels up throughout the day.
  4. Snack: Almonds and walnuts for extra protein and healthy fats that keep him full between meals.
  5. Dinner: Grilled salmon with steamed spinach and roasted sweet potatoes. AKA protein, omega-3, and complex carbohydrates [3].
  6. Snack before bed: A glass of water with TB12 electrolytes ensures proper hydration and prepares the body for overnight recovery.

"The more balanced we are, the better. In my experience, most athletes like to work on things that they’re already good at. It reinforces their confidence in their own abilities. Strong athletes like to work on strength, and fast athletes like to work on speed."

- Tom Brady, Former NFL Player


What Type of Foods Does Tom Brady Avoid In His Diet?

Tom Brady's diet avoids processed foods, refined carbohydrates, gluten, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, and foods high in trans fats. He also steers clear nightshade foods such as tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants, as these can potentially contribute to inflammation.

What Is The Main Focus of Tom Brady's Exercise Regimen?

The main focus of Tom Brady's exercise regimen, known as the TB12 method, is to enhance flexibility, maintain muscle pliability, and reduce injury risk.

The Secret to Become Like Tom Brady

Tom Brady's TB12 method embodies a comprehensive approach to athletic performance and longevity.

This blueprint is rooted in targeted workouts and a strict diet, emphasizing balance, flexibility, and inflammation avoidance.

Incorporating the right dietary supplements can optimize these benefits. Quality protein powders, in particular, play a main role in muscle recovery and performance enhancement.

If you want complements to your workout drinks, try the best protein powder for muscle gain.

Adopting the TB12 method isn't about replicating Brady. It's about elevating your fitness and health.

What do you think about the TB12 method? Is it functional? Could it help you meet your goals? Comment your thoughts below.


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